5 Tips for Picking Pillows

Adding some accent pillows to a room can seem like a simple task but sometimes it can be downright intimidating. But the struggle is worth it as it’s an element you can add to a room that will breathe new life into that space. That’s why I felt that it would be a good idea to give you some simple basic interior design rules that you can follow to add new life to a room. You know how we designers love to stretch the rules, but I wanted pass on some of the simple tricks. Here is a simple formula for selecting the right pillows for your space:

1. Stick to one simple pattern, one busier pattern and one solid color. This will make narrowing down your choices much easier.
2. Stick with a cohesive color palette. Even if you find a pillow you love, make sure you’re not veering from the color palette you have committed to.
3. Stick to a symmetrical arrangement.
4. Keep your larger pillows on the outer As you come in to center your pillows should get smaller.
5. Make sure you’re selecting fabrics that are appealing to your senses and match the atmosphere that you want to create for the room.

So here are my basic rules for selecting the right pillows for your space. Let me know below any other questions you may have… I’ll be happy to answer them!

5 Tips for Picking Pillows